February is here and although it's cold, spring is just around the corner! We can already feel our hearts warming up with Valentine's Day coming up on the 14th, and Family Day on the 19th. We hope you enjoy the time off to celebrate it with your loved ones.
Did you know February is also Heart Month? Heart disease is the second leading cause of death in Canada and affects over 2.4 million Canadian adults. This month is a time to bring attention to the importance of our heart's health. In celebration of Heart Month, why not take up that healthy habit you've been telling yourself you would, like quitting smoking, getting more sleep, monitoring your blood pressure/cholesterol levels, and eating a healthier diet low in sodium, trans fat, and cholesterol. In celebration of Heart Month, we have the perfect recipe for you! Check it out below.
If we haven't seen you in a while, be sure to book an appointment.
Wishing you all the best,
The Upper Avenue Dentistry Team